Is it True that Homework has Multiple Benefits?

It is a known fact that not all kids enjoy homework. One of the reasons is that they feel it eats into their other activities which could range from leisure, hobbies, hanging out with friends, family time, and part-time jobs for some. The inevitable question that comes up is – When I attend school every day, should I spend time on homework as well? For starters, both parents and kids should realize that homework is reinforced learning and a chance to reflect upon what they have studied at school. Aside from this core reason, there are other benefits that homework offers like learning a new skill or earning a good grade that will eventually lead to good credits for meeting the university or college enrolment prerequisites.

The Important Role Homework’s Play

In today’s world, kids are spoilt for choices in the form of mobile phones and endless social networks, that they feel their time is well spent on rather than completing their homework. These provide far too many distractions while homework still tries to make feel its importance.

Though a majority of students feel the importance some do feel it to be a waste of time and boring! Homework for students is a mirror to look at and reflect on what areas their strength lies and where to improve.

Here are the top 6 Benefits of Homework

Students have to understand the importance of turning in their homework or assignments promptly. The 10 points below will help them understand home homework is beneficial to them:

  1. Time Management - Timely completion ensures the habit of managing one’s time better
  2. Set Priorities - Helps students understand what has to be given priority and what needs less attention
  3. Problem Solving – Homework and assignments make students look for more resources, plan, manage their time as well as englsih homework helpers assist in creating a problem-solving mindset at a very young age. This over a while becomes a habit!
  4. Assessment – This can be looked at from three different perspectives:
    • Students – They can do a self-evaluation of what they have learned and understood and how they can reflect on it
    • Teachers – Homework enables teachers/schools to assess how well students have understood what is being taught
    • Parents – They can understand what their children learn and how it is shaping them up for the future
  5. Feel Responsible – Students must complete their homework, irrespective of what their view is about homework. This instills a thought that they have to be responsible, even if they don’t like or have an interest in something
  6. Makes them Independent – Homework creates a wonderful atmosphere for students to learn and explore on their own. No matter how good teaching is, it is only when it is understood by the student independently, it becomes effective.

All of the above benefits that homework offers will enable students to act with responsibility, plan priorities, and manage their time effectively to be more organized to achieve outstanding results. These are important life skills that will help them not just during their academic age but beyond that and throughout their entire lifetime.

Final Thoughts about Homework

As we can see from the 6 benefits listed above, students get to gain from doing homework in ever so many ways. Students must be encouraged, by the teachers and parents alike, to approach homework and assignments with a positive vibe and make them realize the important life lessons it inculcates in them.

  • Be responsible and think/act Independently
  • Build an effective problem-Solving mentality
  • Strategize in achieving career goals by making them understand their areas of interest and how to works towards achieving their goals

I’m sure all students and parents who read this article will agree with me that homework and assignments are neither a waste of time nor boring.

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